Tips for enjoying the game

Hello Everyone,

I took a break from WoT for 3 years and now I'm back for a couple of months already and I'm having a blast. Before the break I was really competitive and had a 2000+ recent wn8 but the game broke me up, I could get angry and still keep playing and not really having fun. Now that I'm back I'm not close to the 2000 wn8 mark but I am having a lot of fun. Some things I noticed what changed for me and I would like to share. Note these are personal so they might not apply to you.

  1. See the game as it is, ¨a game¨, it's not a job it's not a chore.. It's okay to miss out on stuff. I didn't grind frontlines because I really didn't enjoy that gametype.
  2. Grind only when you feel like it. I used to grind grind grind for either events or tanks but never just stopped because I wanted more points/xp etc. Grinding can be fun, the excitement of getting closer to your goal, but If you notice you are playing bad because of it and you get frustrated, just stop.
  3. Don't blame teammates,
  4. Stop when you get tilted or feel like cursing to your teammates, or when you feel frustrated for whatever reason (e.g. arty focus).
  5. Don't use XVM, personal one for me. I used to get angry already at the start of the match when I see that we had a 20% win chance.. Now that I don't have it, it feels more relaxed.
  6. Don't be the hero, going alone on 1 flank because the lemmingtrain went somewhere else has no use. Dieing with only 1 shot while you get overrun is not fun, try to win the other flank faster and get some kills and damage.
  7. Switch tiers, is it not working out in the tier your playing? Switch tiers. Personally I found that tiers 5-7 are sweetspots for me.
  8. Have a go-to tank, I personally like playing the m4a1 and T-150.
  9. Reflect each game, reflecting each game to see what you can do better helps to have fun, and also not to get tilted.

I hope these tips can help someone enjoying the game, or realize they should stop.

A personal thing I would like to see changed are arties, 3 are just too much, when I personally see it happen too much (and if I'm the target haha) I just stop for the day.


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