Union-7 for Obj279(e)

Currently trying to do Union-7 for the obj279e wich forces me to get 3 internal modules or crew as damage per game, 3 games in a row AT LEAST (not gonna even try with honours)

after researching how others have sufered trough it, instead of assuming gun caliber, or shell type, i've decided to see wich of my tanks i've been closer to doing it:


It seems that, even if people say that arty no longer works, its suprinsingly the one closest to the goal with an average of 1,67 internal modules damaged per game. However i've recently cleared my replays folder so im asking for you guys help. if all of you could contribute with some data i could compile it and provide it back so others can check whats more viable

Also, whats your opinion on this mission?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/sino6z/union7_for_obj279e/

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