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We could use a better replay video player

As someone who occasionally look at my own replays I gotta say the replay player is pretty bad, I don't have a way to directly access a certain part of the replay nor can I "free cam" and move around. I know there's a mod that can be downloaded but I don't want to install any mods, Frontline's spectator mode has free cam so you can look around the map while waiting to respawn so I know the feature is already there. Replay is a somewhat unused feature in WoT but it shouldn't take much to make it better, that way maybe more people will use it and post cool in-game content here.

  1. Have a video scrollbar so I can FF/rewind or go directly to a certain part just like any other video players.
  2. Let us have a free-roam camera, that way I can get better shots of all the action (and not just my own) plus I can use it to explore maps.
  3. Including the after battle result at the end of the video would be nice.


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