How about stochastic map elements?

From a discussion I was having earlier:

I honestly really like the idea of stochastic elements on maps. Someone suggested variable weather with resultant stats modifiers the other day. I think that idea is super fun. I would also like to see certain random elements used – a big boulder occasionally on a map blocking the usual sight lines from the standard TD sniper nest, a group of indestructible buildings that jump around to 4 or 5 different possible points on the map, different bush placement here and there. I don't mean fundamentally changing the terrain…just having variations on the terrain modifiers.

I'm sure I'm in the minority on that, but can you imagine how different Serene Coast would be if you occasionally had thick foliage right along the crest of the major mountain choke point? Or a small group of buildings providing hard cover if you can make it just past that point? Or a village in the middle of Steppes every once in a while? Or a randomly-occurring SECOND access ramp to the hill on Mines (or perhaps just a group of boulders in the middle sometimes, effectively creating two access routes and utterly changing the choke point dynamics?)

A lot of the time, I think I just get flat BORED with the repetitive standard layout. It feels like there's very little adaptation, and that most rounds can become formulaic and repetitious (which admittedly, is a plus for a lot of people.) I'm sure the player base would RAGE at certain variations.

In short, I guess, why do maps have to be so static? It almost feels like their layouts are sacrosanct, and no one wants to have to adapt on the fly.


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