WG, fix your NA servers!

Holy fuck balls Wargaming. How is it possible that your servers are this bad? Horrible lag that causes you to lose complete control of your tank for 2-3 seconds at a time. Which by the way, is the most IDIOTIC way to deal with a disconnect/lag ever. Who the fuck thought it was a great idea to make it so the last input recieved would be repeated continously until you regain control?

Trying to inch forward? Lag spike, 4 seconds later you're out in the open and dead. I've had matches where in my heavy tank, i get a lag spike and boom, i'm halfway up the side of a hill, getting shot by the entire enemy team.

I'm not the only one having these issue, so I know it's not just me.

And y'all want to have us pay for pay to win pass? y'all can't even pay for good fucking servers or coders.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/12n6mbd/wg_fix_your_na_servers/

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