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What and when changed about chat bans? i can’t type anything

I used to play a lot 2013-2016, i was a 'competitive' player, wanting to win hard, having good stats etc so i used to insult a lot teammates that weren't trying to win the game or do good in general (you know, E100 that was camping near TD zone and so on) but i the chatbans were NOT frequent

I recently came back after years of stop (maybe i had some battles in certain period but really a few) of course i'm not good as i was so i insult really less, cause i never liked tomato talking shit even if they don't understand what was a good play and what was just stupid

Anyway, im basically chabanned so often right now!! even if i don't say nothing 'heavy' but just the classic xxx moron – idiot meds etc. very generic and at ppl that probably doesn't even read the chat – too busy at playing bad ahah they can't multitask
The question is, are they reporting me like baby talking to their mommy or WG now have an automatic thing that detect specific words like – moron, idiot, noob etc
I barely left the game after the remove of CHAT ALL cause it was so funny to taunt the enemy, to tell enemy arty that you are going to kill them at the end


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