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What is wargaming thinking? (CW)

Now that the reward vehicle changes for the campaign are official on EU, I can't help but wonder what WG is hoping to achieve.

They are essentially making the biggest part of the event to not take part inside of the actual event, so most participants don't even get a chance at the reward vehicles.
This hurts especially those players that don't have a chief yet, yet are engaged in the competitive scene and want to become better/more competitive.
The chiefs are for the most part gonna be bought up by 500wn8 people who don't play any sort of competitive game mode, and don't buy bond equipment, reward Tanks etc etc.

I can imagine many average to good players losing interest in the main event now and only those with 40k+ bonds doing a few battles to be able to bid for a chief, all while the top clans battle eachother to the max for the 4000 slots, leaving no chance for any newcomers.

This is flat out the worst thing they could've done for the whole event.


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