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What the hell happened to NA?

I have been gone from WOT for almost 4 years. I returned maybe 2 1/2 months ago and still love/ hate the game like before. Hating and loving some things more than others…

But the thing I can't get over is the utter SHITshow that is content for the NA server. We're constantly bombarded with the next wallet grab but left to the shit when it comes to events and such. It's very frustrating trying to relearn everything whilst trying to participate in a clusterfuck.

What the hell happened? Genuine question. I remember watching SIMP almost religiously back in the days of WoT e-sports when it was at its peak. Back then it was the general consensus that it was NA > EU. They had the incompetent dev team. Now from what I gather we have almost NO dev team.

Why did SerB and Russian WG HQ turn their backs on us? Should I blame Trump?


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