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What’s the most fun and outright oppressive tier for you to play?

In my honest opinion tier 5 is probably the most fun, especially for new players reaching it for the first time. The quality of tanks goes far far higher than tier 4 and it just gives you that feeling of invincibility. I mean, who hasnt had good times with their KV-1, PZ IV H, M4, O-I Exp, and so many more? It used to be even more fun when you got matched up with tier 3s often and could outright one shot them but its still loads fun today. Most tier 5s can also more or less handle bad matchmaking coz of their good characteristics so its still possible to have great games with low tier placements.

The most painful tier for me personally is probably a sentiment that many of us share(or not): tier 7, with the honorable mention of tier 9. Ok, I know there are exceptions but some of the stock grinds at tier 7 are maddening. Not to mention that more often than not you're placed with tier 8s, and frankly at stock(sometimes even at top) configuration tier 7s just cannot deal with them. Granted, many of the tier 7 HTs are really good but each has an abysmal stock grind until theyre able to actually manage at tier 8 matchups. I feel like since tier 7 is actually the place where players are supposed to start getting used to long stock grinds it adds to the grueling effect. In comparison tier 8 and 9 stock grinds dont seem as bad since many modules carry over from the tier 7 vehicle and are still survivable at the higher tier, though I also dont really relish playing tier 9 either since at tier 10 every tank, especially heavies, have excellent characteristics which you can't handle even with the 2 key.

Thanks for sticking around if you did and let me know what you think is the best and worst tier to play


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