The.rapist healing service costs you XP and money

Subj. I post this at the beginning of every wipe since I figure a few new people probably don't know. Healing from "dead" with a Grizzly gives you ~300XP and costs about 6k rubles. Healing from dead with the.rapist gives you no XP and costs about 11k rubles. Even if you are new and don't have access to flea, healing with default meds is barely more expensive than the.rapist and the XP you get is definitely worth it. For a new player, not healing manually makes you level significantly slower. For maximum XP gain, I suppose it's possible bring a Grizzly in your butt and heal in-raid – then your XP will get multiplied by 150% if you survive. But that implies you can spend some time in the beginning just healing, and in general takes some planning.

Unlike healing, I believe eating in stash does not give you XP (other than maybe skill XP?), so it's best done in raid.


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