What’s the Scoop on the GSOR 3301? (T9 Brit light)

Hey all, I've been making my way through the brit light line because I'm a bit of a masochist and I like a challenge. Currently at the LHMTV, and I've actually liked it quite a bit. I really like the mobility and scouting capabilities of the platform, though obviously the gun leaves a bit to be desired (at least it's punchy). 

That being said, I'm getting close to unlocking the GSOR 3301, and I'm having trouble finding decent information on it. I can't really find any in-depth reviews on it, neither video nor text formats. I may be a masochist, but I prefer to be an informed masochist. 

From my observations, it seems to just be an uptiered LHMTV. So I guess the play style would be similar? I've been rocking CVS, Imp radio, and optics on my LHMTV and been focusing on scouting and getting cheeky flank shots when I can.

Can any one who has more knowledge on the subject enlighten me? Or point me to a good resource? Thanks in advance. 

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/yl9cz4/whats_the_scoop_on_the_gsor_3301_t9_brit_light/

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