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While I still love my WoT, ranked is the least enjoyable experience you can have in the game. It’s design is flawed beyond repair because of how it forces players to play.

This year's game of "Hide and Hide" is behind me.

Me, a 59% W/R player have managed to get to silver league with a staggering win ratio of 43%!

This game mode will remain unplayable if chevron system is not replaced by something else. The problem this game mode is facing is impossible to balance, because it's on the player's side.

My conclusion is: our player base is simply to scared to play this game mode, but they don't want to miss out on rewards so they play with fear! Nobody is willing to do anything in the battle. If your team has a fearless player everyone will follow, you will win. If you don't have a leader, you will lose.

Unfortunately it doesn't pay to be a leader in ranked, because you will be the first one to take a hit and everyone is afraid of dying early and being at the bottom of the score board!


In my humble opinion ranked mode is broken beyond repair and needs to be re-done completely.


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