Since the announcement of the release of the new Tier IX Chinese Premium tank I was curois about it and therefore decided to grind the Marhaton to get a discount. Today I have reached 40% and I was eager to pay for the tank.
BUT playing at high tier I realized HOW rigged has this game become. I had 3 games in particular where I had to face platoon of OBJ 279 e and Chieftard.
I suddenly realized that thisd is modst likely what I will keep increasingly facing playing at tier IX and X and I believe this is NOT fun. It's cant be fun when a platoon of this OP tanks steamroll a flank and in less than 3 min the game is over 15 to zero.
Therefore I have decided I will NOT spend more money into the game until something will change.
Just as a reminder.. in the sister game World of warships devs have started nerfing OP reward ships and things are looking better. I don't see the reason why this CANNOT be done in World of Tanks.
Thanks for reading I will appreciate your point of view.