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World of tanks has gone downhill so I’m doing this…..

This game used to be one of the greatest games of all time ……it is now a pile of shit. The biggest problem is that in every match there are more than 15 bots. I don't know what kind of bullshit world you call multiplayer but this is not a multiplayer game it is shitload of bots and a couple of real players.

Really pisses me off is the fact that after the major update….. Everything became twice as expensive and you get only half the silver when you sell. Everything became harder, it's taking me almost three times as long to grind every tank. Changing commanders to different tanks became an absolute nightmare, and a chore. It's almost as if you made this game twice as difficult to gain the same results.

I'm not going to be one of those whiny little bitches complains about every little thing in every game…… So I've just decided that I'm selling every single tank except the ones that I really, really like. Wargaming you used to make lots of money off me but no more. I'm keeping maybe 10 to 20 tanks that I really like…. Everything else I'm selling and I have over 150 tanks. I'll probably have over 100 million silver when im done. I used to keep all my premium tanks because if I would buy some key cards there's a chance I would get the gold from already owning the tank. But now I will never spend another fucking dime on this game. I'm keeping every single tier 10 tank that I own and a few that I really like ….. Like the turtle….. And a couple of really great tanks…… Everything else is being sold. I really don't give a damn about this game anymore……. I'm going to log in for like a half an hour occasionally, and play a couple of tanks that I really like…. Then log out and play another game that doesn't treat me like shit. It's so obvious this is no longer a multiplayer game. When I get hit by Arty without even being spotted. When I take 12 hits within 30 seconds because everyone is aiming at me.

So for the record I have no problem with companies making money….. just please make it seem like you're not bending me over and I will gladly pay but it's so obvious you're trying to bend people over and give them so little for their money….. It's just not worth it anymore.

I know that there are so many people that have left this game and it's such a damn shame and it didn't have to happen. WWE wrestling GI Joe some other really dumb shit that actually doesn't bother me….. But there's just nothing to hold me here anymore. Modern armor yeah it's taken me literally seven or eight times the normal grind on a tier 3 tank to advance to the tier 4. Wtf? It's a damn eternity now to grind tanks. Absolutely literally what used to take me 5 days now takes me over a month. You think I want the Abrams that bad ?……hell no. Grind and grind and grind and get so little progress. Then you're not even elite once you move to the next level tank ……this is complete bullshit. Like I said I have no problem with companies making money but what they're doing now is just almost extortion. There are so many tanks to grind it would take someone even in the old system over 3 years to grind them all……. but now it'll take 20 years.

I have a suggestion if anyone's listening…… Give people what they want. Nobody wants some dumbass 3D characters….. They want a game that is fair but also challenging. They don't want to fight against 10 fucking bots. It's so damn obvious it's embarrassing. Bring back a very real multiplayer game for every tank in the game is a real person…… playing the game.

I understand the need for bots. I'm not ignorant to this fact. But it's so damn obvious that within 5 seconds of being detected I get hit 10 times….. that it's a bunch of bots. I also know I play very aggressively and I don't care that's how I like to play. Yes I die a lot and I understand why. But at the end of the day….. A game is either fun or it's not….. And after you lose your fun Factor on this game it's hard to get back.

Anyway going to drop down to 20 tanks over the course of the next month or two….. Never spend another penny here.


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