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You shouldn’t leave because of 1.20.1 changes, but because WoT is WoT, and WG is WG.

Here’s my hot take: 1.20.1 changes are an acceptable direction for the game. But you should be angry because it's a forced price increase without fixing any of the important stuff.

What’s (mostly) OK:

The changes to 1.20.1 make is basically a paid (and mandatory) expansion of content (not a very good one) with the cost shifted toward non-paying players. Basically, you get more grind (crew skills required) for more powerful stuff (new crew skills), like any other MMO expansion. This gives established players more stuff to chase after, while the pay-to-play power creep ensures new players CAN (if they pay) catch up to the middle of the pack quickly (though the bottom half of the pack is free to play players). Yes I realize arguably it’s not much content expansion as much as a stat-cap raise.

And it’s sensical as a business move. Other games have subscriptions (and other methods of generating revenue that are less forced but ok). This basically means subscription cost went up from $15/month to $25/month.

For non-paying players, the game is free, but the price they pay is being (increasingly) underpowered cannon fodder. (you hold them at lower levels for longer, less access to equipment and consumables)

What’s NOT OK: What you pay for isn’t getting better, but it’s getting more expensive.

Content hasn’t increased. Not really new game modes, no new maps (does a plane crashing count?).

Matchmaking still sucks with 15-1 games and unbalanced teams and unbalanced tanks.

Issues with Basic mechanics haven’t changed significantly. Arty is still arty. Goldspam is still goldspam.

That’s why you should leave. Not because 1.20.1 changes or costs more, but because it’s simply getting more expensive and taking up your valuable time and life… but isn't getting better.

It’s like a significant other that continually disappoints, and now says they need more from you to make the relationship work. But damn, we really do want to make it work.



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