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Zero spatial awareness or just complete melons?

I just dont get how many on your own team just ram straight into you.

I mean WTF? do they just press R and watch netflix or what?

Just had 2 games in a row, one in Prime position to take out first light spotter, line up shot and a moron in an IS just spins me out on his way past.

Next again line up on enemy TD and some throwback in an ISU decides to park right in front while pushing me aside.

..and numerous games before that where they wont pass or show any sense, just barge straight through like 'hur hur I is a big tenk'

I mean come on. I have never played an online videogame with such low IQ players.

I know its 1v29 alot of the time but at the moment the stupidity is max level.

I am beginning to realise why there are so many expletives, crying and 'debil' calls in chat. Its probably well deserved.

Are there any times of the day when these guys are in their special ed classes or on the shortbus so I can avoid them?


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