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A simple loadout for New/Struggling Players


Recently, I've developed a cheap loadout that's very effective that I think newer players and people who are struggling will enjoy. Tell me what you think!

Armor: SSH-68 Helmet (Ragman LVL 1, approx. 18k Roubles)

6B3TM-01M Armored Rig ( Ragman LVL 2, approx 48k roubles)

Scav BP(Ragman LVL 2, approx. 15k roubles) (or biggest backpack you have, it's always worth it)

Headphones of your choice.

Now, for the weapon:

Go to the flea market and buy either an AK-74M or an AK-74N for no more than 25k roubles, though they're generally less. (Note: Many scavs using AK-74M's in raid will actually be using BT rounds, so always check the magazines)

Now, buy these attachments: TTO1 rearsight adapter (Prapor LVL 2, approx. 3k roubles) and the AK-Polymer 100-series foregrip, the one with rails (Prapor LVL 2, approx. 1k roubles) and that's it.

So, of course, we didn't buy any actual mods. The gun is still, effectively, naked. If you die with it like this, it isn't too likely someone will take it. Now, we go into raid. I Highly recommend Reserve for this; load two mags up with at least BP rounds, but I recommend BT. On Reserve, within looting two buildings, you can easily find a grip, sight, flash hider, and maybe even a butt-pad. This also works on other maps, though you are less likely to find gear for the gun, like customs. Still, I would tell you to just go reserve, find 300+ rounds of BT, mod your AK, and get tons of other loot.

This whole loadout should cost a max of 111k roubles, assuming you have no other gear. Thoughts?


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