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Advice on running Factory

So the context is that for some reason EFT loads like ass on any map that isn't Factory for me so I decided to master the map. I have thought about helping people with some Factory advice for a while now but after today when someone was talking about how me knowing the map so well and knowing how it works that it made him feel a lot more comfortable playing the map I knew it was time.

You wanna run Factory? Okay so you know all those hours you spent learning how the game works? The time people spent making charts? How about all the streamers doing theory crafting? Or maybe all the testing they have done? Yeah take all of that, combine it together…and throw it in the fucking trash cause this is Factory not EFT anymore. Factory is on a different universe from the other maps. Got full level 6 armor but forgot the face shield? "Eh doesn't bother me on the other maps" WRONG. You just got one tapped by some level 11 with a MP-133 and 7mm buckshot.

So why would you run Factory over other maps? Well for one the META is wack. It isn't about having the best pen ammo in the most accurate gun. Unlike other maps where firefights can be at 50+ meters. Almost every gun is viable in some way on Factory. What about the loot? Factory has some pretty good spawns besides the scav/pmc loot honestly. Had someone find a RPK today actually. Money? Well Factory won't get you rich in a few raids but across half a week I have made about 2mil-3mil~ so you can make a profit. Another plus is that Factory is small. Meaning if you die, you don't lose that much progress besides the loot.

"But I have a hard time surviving Factory" I did too until I learned what to do. Want to increase your survival rate? Play with at least a duo. More? Buy a Factory exit key and bring it with you every single time. I never leave through Gate 3 anymore. Far too easy to exit camp and lose your loot. Even more? Always check around the corner before looting. Scavs are nasty little fuckers in Factory and it won't take you that much time to look around the corner before looting a body. How do you still want more? Okay fine one more…I have 1 rule when I go into Factory that I live by. NEVER GO INTO OFFICE. That easy. Sure some really good loot is there. But that is where all the player scavs and pmc's will run too. For every success you make at office I can make 5 without ever entering that building.

What weapon do I run? Shotguns. I use the MP-133 specifically and only run 7mm buckshot out of it. One thing I have learned about Factory is that you do not underestimate what a shotgun can do. Sure pump actions are bad to most people. I love them and can make them work well. So maybe if you find yourself having a hard time in Factory. Take out a shotgun and give it a go. Full loadout? I have 1 loadout I like to use a lot. I get my MP-133 load it with 6 7mm shells in the tube and 1 in the chamber. Then I shove 20 shells into my pocket, a piece of cheese, painkillers and army bandage…That's it. No rig, backing, armor…Nothing else. Roughly costs around 30k~ most times.

Besides that you can run most any gun on Factory and see good success(except super performance slugs…fuck those things). Just pick a gun you love to run and do it.

Technical info about the map is fairly straight foward. 4-5 pmc's will spawn. When you start the map there should be about 3-5~ AI scavs about. More scavs tend to spawn around 18:00-15:00 and again around 13:00-10:00. Player scavs can spawn around 18:00-10:00 maybe a little later depending on how quick they load in. Usually I find around 4-6 player scavs per Factory. Scavs can vary around 20-30~ based on my kill counts of 5-14 per raid.

Something to note though. Factory is VERY volatile. One night I am hitting dubs getting 10~ kills per raid and extracting making 0.5-1mil in a single session of playing Factory raids. The next day you might make it out 50% of the time and barely break even. Such is the ways of Factory. In the end Factory can be a lot of fun and net you some neat guns and good money. The XP is also pretty good too.

What should you expect from Factory? Be realistic. You won't get rich only running Factory like me. Other maps are better for money. Maybe even better for XP too. But Factory can be ran very fast and still make a profit. You are never far from an extract if you got a key. Also the scav runs on Factory can pull you a pretty penny if you are a good little rat scav.

The last thing I can really give advice on is learn your pathing. Factory is dynamic and things can change quickly. Knowing the ins and outs of the map can give you a massive advantage but I think I will keep a few secrets to myself. Otherwise I hope some of you can learn to love Factory the same way I have. If you need some help join [here[( (I am not affiliated with this Discord whatsoever merely just a member) if you need some help finding people to raid with. I am there so maybe we will run into each other as I love to help teach newer players both to the game and to the map.

If you got anything to add that I missed or made a mistake on then let me know as I am eternally a student and most importantly, have fun.


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