All Needed Quest/Items Spreadsheet –

Made an easy to read, simple spreadsheet for every single quest/hideout item in the game, thought you guys might appreciate it as well.

Based on the Tarkov wiki as of today (August 1, 2021), mostly on the "Loot" page with addons from the "Quests" page in the last 2 pages.

Here's a Google Sheets version as well:

EDIT: Woah didnt expect to see this in the morning, thanks for all the responses guys! Will be updating the spreadsheet with some of your suggestions/fixes (sadly the Imgur album is baked in and harder to update). As for the stuff missing or outdated: blame the wiki lol I lifted everything from the Loot and Quests page like I said. But others some mentioned, like Secure flash drives and Cowboy hats, are….just there (page 3 near the bottom; page 6 near top). Use CTRL+F on the spreadsheet if you're not sure


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