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Biggest Tips for Newer Players

general tips:

– Be prepared mentally to die a lot, even with over 3k hours, i. die. a. lot. Get comfortable with loosing gear and learning from your mistakes. After every death take a breath, calm down and ask yourself, what did I do wrong, what could I have done better, should I have done this instead of what I did. Thinking this way will make you as better player in any game, especially Tarkov.

– Use Offline mode and learn the maps, learning maps should go in this order, customs/woods, interchange, reserve, lighthouse, labs. learning maps opens up to better map knowledge to make plays, loot, and navigate the map and avoid the chads. (Factory can be tossed in whenever, should take 4-9 games to fully learn the map).

– Get comfortable with tarkov, if you want to play like a rat, sneaking in the corners of the map waiting for that juicy headshot, or run around the map like a madman chasing them Timmy's, you. do. you. You can play however the heck you want to play; this is the way. DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT. And run scav whenever it is up, preferably you want to PMC scav PMC scav and repeat.

– Embrace gear fear. Ignore all the streamers telling you to just run that expensive sr-25, Killa armor and tagilla helmet. That gear means nothing when you don't have game knowledge (hence the tips stated above). Learn the game, take your time, learn maps, player spawns, loot locations, high traffic locations. This will open up the possibility of you being mentally prepared to run the expensive kits. For now, run what tarkov gives you, the ammo you have will suggest the gun you use, the gun you use will suggest the armor you bring into raid. EX have some spare BP 7.62, use a akm, Akm is decently modded, bring lvl 4 armor.

-When starting out ammo is hard to come by, however always use the best ammo you have, if needed you can bottom load mags with cheaper ammo and top load mags with more expensive ammo to save ammo for following raids.

– Never fight on the opponent's terms. Sometimes it's better to walk away from a fight then fight and die because of misplays. Play very safe, hear a player running in the distance, stop, hide, and analyze the situation, see if it is worth to try to secure the kill. Hear a player around the corner waiting for you to peak, back up, and think about your choices. It's not always necessary to peak a player, flank, wait or even run away. If you have a full bag, or found some valuable loot, sometimes it's best to wait for players to just pass by. Tarkov is a mind game, always think ahead. Don't let adrenaline take over and make you misplay.

– Never peak anything twice, I've killed so many players that double peak, or even triple re-peak the same corner. Flank, Flank, Flank, or hold another angle. Always change your position if available, never be predictable in this head eyes meta. This especially applies to scavs, missed your headshot, move to another angle to kill the scav, don't take unnecessary damage because you want to repeak a agro scav.

– When bringing in gear make it clear what you capable of doing. Am I able to full auto for cqb combat, do I need to aim for the legs, can I pen lvl 4 armor reliably? Never overstep your boundaries. Make sure you know your own limits.

This is in general the biggest tips I have for newer players, I can teach you all the smaller tips and tricks, but these are the basics of tarkov, without the basics you won't live long. Comment any questions you have, and I will answer them.

3400 hours, 63 percent survival rate, 612 pmc kills, lvl 47. 652 raids.


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