So , what's the gun and why is it so cost effective ? But before here's a disclaimer In order to be able to do the barter you will need : Lavatory lvl1 Nutrition unit lvl2 Mechanic lvl3
And preferably other vendors maxed out for Mods
M1A SASS barter for 18 Wilston cigarettes Why? Barter straight out of the box has a 22 inch barrel MOE stock SASS base And costs roughly 100 K
Few basic mods are needed in order to make the gun almost meta while maintaining lower cost
-MOE butt stock -Advanced Buffer tube – RK-1 / B-25 / RK-2 or whatever suits you better -Midigation Kit Combo
Mods cost will range from 70-90k (without any sighting devices )
Now let's get down to the math behind the method that makes this build so cost effective.
Wilston cigarettes are way to pricey to buy from Flea market as they can range from 10-20k making the SASS about 180-360k or even more depending on the Flea price.
Crafting in Nutrition Unit should be utilised instead. The cost for one Wilston cigarettes comes down to about 5.5k Roubles per piece (Tea box = 20k Apollo cigarettes = 7k 27k / 5 Wilston ~ 5.5k Roubles per piece )
Making the trade much cheaper (5.5 x 18 =99)
But still you have to pay for the Tea box and Apollo cigarettes.
That's when lavatory comes in to play. To craft cordura you need 4 Sling Bags which is a bit over 8k. You can sell it for about 30k making 22k profit per craft which takes about an Hour. So for 5 sold Corduras you basically pay off the M1A barter.
Crafting both Wilstons and Corduras non stop will make you enough Cigarettes to barter almost every single reset.
Comment Feedback and More ideas if you have some.
Good luck in Tarkov Lads