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Extract defending like a pro: Shoreline

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

As an extract defender, you are playing one of the most difficult but challenging gamestyles that Tarkov has to offer.

– Sometimes you will not find anyone for a longer period of time. Making it difficult to focus.

– You're meeting people that likely wiped a whole lobby and are good at shooting head eyes.

– There is a small frame to kill your opponents before they succesfully extract.

This guide covers most of the spots you can use to succesfully defend an extract. Some spots that require two men (boosts), are not covered but will be shared later.

All in all, it's a challenging but worthy way of playing the game.

From my experience, a small group labels this as 'extract camping' or 'unethical'. This is of course not true. Why would dying near an extract be any difficult than dying at the Resort?

Anyways, that's the introduction and definition of the style. Now let's move on to succesfully defending Shoreline. The first map in this series.

All spots on the map are marked. Note: you will need to zoom in a bit to see where all the markers are.

– Path to Lighthouse

Path to Lighthouse is located behind the sunken village and is always open for PMC's regardless of where they spawn. A lot of people that go to Resort, choose to use this extract.

[1] Is on a mountain that has partial view on Resort and generally a quite nice overview of the road from Resort to Path to Lighthouse. Jump up the rocks, and kill the sniper scavs that are on the rock facing right of the bridge. The sniper scavs will see you, so be careful. Warning: there's always two of them. Sometimes they spawn with a delay.

Now with the sniper scavs out of the way, you are free to scope around. This is a nice way to get some easy SBIH kills, too.

[2] Is basically any of the bushes close to the extract. You can pick any bush. People will generally walk relatively close to the wall, and you are advised to pick a bush that is on the opposite of the wall.

– Tunnel

Tunnel is located on the bottom left of the map, near the beach and the village. The 'Ruined Road' can also be used to extract.

Tip from the experts: incoperate a loot haul in the village if you spawn there. There are a lot of jackets and hidden stashes.

[3] Basically any bush will do. Scavs currently do not spawn here, making it an easy spot to sit undetected. Sit a bit back further towards the pier, to be able to see people moving from the beach more clearly.

[4] The mountain has a great spot to watch potential extracts. Note that this spot is rather well known, so use the bush to be covered properly.

– Road at Railbridge

Located in the south eastern part of the map, this extract was added at a later stage and can be used instead of the 'Road to Customs' extract.

[5] Any of the spots covering the road should work. You're advised to use a bush once again.

[6] Since scavs do not spawn anymore, the tower can also be used to snipe from.

– Road to Customs

Once one of the most used extracts on Shoreline, this extract is now used a little less due to new additions to the game. However, there are still a couple of great spots to cover.

[7, 8. 9] All offer a good potential to defend. 7 has my preference since you will most certainly hear your opponent reaching the extract.

I have left out Pier Boat since it's not a great place to defend. You are most likely going to be sniped, and you can't cover the dock too well from the hills behind the pier.

I will update this guide with feedback gathered from the community and other experts.


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