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Feels like FPS counter is lying to you on Streets? This is how i fixed it.

Lil intro first. Ok, so i have a system on the high end side but i hope it can help everyone, this is not really a settings guide but some PC settings will be changed. So bwfore these changes when i was playing streets the FPS counter would say it was around 70fps however it still felt like around 50, this is how i fixed that.

First of all i turned off my other monitors, this didn't give me and FPS boots according to the ingame counter however it made the game feel way more smoother.

2nd Tip takes a bit longer but made me gain about 10fps, go in BIOS and disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT for AMD and Hyperthreading for Intel). Remember that when you do this you get better single core performance so turn off un-used background apps (do this anyways) Exit steam, spotify, chrome if you don't need it etc. Just go in task manager and close shit youre not using.

3rd which also gave me a good boost in performance is also in task manager, make sure to give priotiry to the Tarkov exe file


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