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Walheim: how to make delicious mead and what it is for

A couple of Qs first…

I don't think that (relatively) many ppl do an awful lot of this, do they? I never used to at all, but now that I've got the hang of it, I find it quite enjoyable. But there are only 3 types of fish: Perch, Pike & Tuna and the first two of these are freshwater fish – why are they in the sea with the tuna? Surely, it would be better to restrict the specific types of fish to where they would normally be found?

If not possible, make up fictional names for them? And as the fish are worth different amounts (Perch = 1; Pike = 2; Tuna = 4) make them increasingly difficult to catch (more stamina or bigger, more expensive bait for larger fish)?

Perhaps it would be nice to add bigger fish in the open oceans, which would be more challenging to catch, and that could then be used as higher rated foodstuffs. Swordfish steak, anyone? Would also add more interest while on long voyages. Different fish could be found in different biomes or deeper waters.

Just an idea…


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