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For those working who have access to a laptop or computer

I have been playing Tarkov for years, I also work a lot as well but I am fortunate enough to have a work laptop that I can use between customers.

I use Parsec. Parsec is a remote desktop tool kind of like Team viewer but its for gaming, meaning 60fps and lower latency.

You use Parsec for your gaming computer's resources on your shitty laptop or computer with a good stable internet connection.

Things I did while at work are:

Run scav on factory and instantly run out; easy cash flow, just take everything off scav and sell to appropriate trader(this allowed to get 6.0 scav karma, you notice the difference)

Run shitty tedious quests i.e mark the 1000 things on shoreline, quest items

Inventory management and ammo stock up.

My stash value is at 100mil with 30mil liquid maxed hideout, all from just running scavs at work

Just google Parsec, install it on both PC's, before heading to work turn on your computer have parsec on, make sure computer doesn't go to sleep, easily connect and disconnect at your pleasure.

NOTE: this only works if you can install Parsec on both computers and both have a stable connection as it is running at 60fps so bandwidth is high. For an idea in a months time, using Parsec for 8hours a day its about 600gb of bandwidth used for me.


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