General tip for breathing noise after no stamina

I am not sure if everyone already knows this but I hope this at least helps some people who may be new to the game.

So as you all know, when you run out of stamina your character will start making loud breathing noises.

If you let your bar recover naturally, currently I’ve noticed the breathing noises can stay up until 3/4 green. Which is insane consider how slow the stamina recovers. Especially during a fight or trying to hide.

If you press the hold breath button while aiming with your weapon, you can actually cancel the breathing noise as soon as your stamina bar goes green which is about 1/4 of the full bar.

The hold breath key cancels the noise (makes sense) and when you stop holding breath by un-aiming, the breath sound does not come back as long as your stamina is green.

This can reduce the breathing noise duration by a couple of seconds


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