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Good Moneymaking Strat For Noobs

Horde menial objects like cigarettes, screw head, bolts etc… Then, look on the Flea Market for barter exchanges for bitcoin that don't cost currency. Find one consistent item bitcoin sellers want (bolts for example), and start exchanging your variety of menial items all for that one item.

For instance, you have some matches, lunchboxes, screw heads, etc.. You see someone selling bitcoin for 8 bolts. That person has many bitcoins so you know that offer will be around awhile. So do multiple exchanges for bolts, 2 lunchboxes for a bolt, bulbs for bolts, screw heads for bolts, then just hoard bolts. Every time you get 8 or more, exchange for bitcoin. You don't even have to do this with bitcoin, do it for Nix lenses, Paracord, anything that sells for good money that people consistently want to exchange for many small items and cost more then what you are giving away.


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