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Great exit camping spots

  • D2 Wood room Behiend the stairs prone
  • Interchange Railways Under the train (can't have exit there)
  • Interchange Emercom Under the Green Flatbed truck way back at the wall prpme
  • Interchange Emercom again On top of the green flatbed prone, Players cat't see you there

requerments: A small rig and a SMG of choice (I like kedr-B and PPSH) A small rig (Bank Robber)


  1. Dont bring a Backpack or a large rig, the Chad (guy getting camped lol) will have that

  2. Be patient, Dont just shoot the seccond you see them. Let them get close and shoot when they about to exit

  3. You can multitask and do other things, I postet this while exit camping (killed 2 chads)

in conclusion:

Those were some of the spots i have luck with (I wont tell my Legendayry spot)
If you want to send me HateMail for exit camping my name is: ClownExitCampe


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