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[GUIDE] FREE Obrez and get paid doing it!


Hello, I am Axolotl, rat extraordinaire! and today I will show you an easy way to get unlimited Obrez Mosin-Nagant Rifles and GET PAID DOING IT!


  • Access to the flea market
  • 25,000 Stashed Roubles

The Obrez:

The Obrez is a short barreled Mosin-Nagant rifle with the stock cut off. It packs a massive punch into a tiny package.


+MASSIVE damage

+Chad Slayer, can kill heavily armored players in a single well placed shot




-VERY slow rate of fire

-Low ergo

-No iron sights



Use this ammo chart to look at what to use. Some of these are expensive but if you only keep a few in your gun and the rest in your secure container it isn't too pricey to shoot.

Recommended ammo:

(I'm not an expert please correct me if I'm wrong

7N1 – Can 1 shot to the chest of unarmored people, penetrates very well.

SNB – 2nd best perpetrator in all of Tarkov, 2 shot to thorax but can 1 tap even an Altyn if it doesn't ricochet, I'd still go for 7N1 in an Obrez though


  1. Purchase a Mosin Infantry Rifle from the flea market for as low as possible. Preferably with front and rear sights but definitely with a 730mm barrel. Inspect it to make sure it has the 730mm barrel otherwise this will not work. Also get it with a standard stock.
  2. Disassemble the rifles. keep the receivers and the magazines. Then you want to sell the front and rear sights, barrel, and stock. Check below for math.
  3. Purchase 200mm Sawn Off Mosin Barrel and Sawn off regular Mosin rifle stock
  4. Put together your Obrez!



Mosin: 20500 RUB. I have found it this cheap before with all the furniture. Just keep hitting refresh and check for the 730mm barrel

Sawn off 200mm barrel: 2000 RUB. Jaeger LL1 sells it for about this much. Flea market can dip down close too sometimes.

Sawn off standard Mosin stock: 1600 RUB from Jaeger LL1, 2300 RUB from market

TOTAL: 24100 RUB


730mm Barrel: 20500 RUB after fees. Yes, that is the cost of the original gun. I don't get it either

Front Sight: 500 RUB after fees.

Rear sight: 870 RUB after fees.

Standard stock: 6000 RUB after fees

TOTAL: 27870 RUB

24100 – 27870 = -3770


No, it isn't a ton of money and with other methods being way faster for making actual cash this is really just about the cheap guns.


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