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Here are some questionable ideas I’ve been thinking about recently.

Walheim: how to make delicious mead and what it is for

Just a few ideas.
Wall of text looms

  1. Loxes should be able to pull carts, at the disadvantage of not being able to ascend steep hills.

This would encourage path making for efficient travel.

  1. A tower shield could be used to coast down a mountainside without the fear fall damage, at the expense of greatly decreasing durability.

No, I did not steal this idea from BOTW, hush.


2a. Change the Elders forsaken power from being able to cut trees faster to having tree roots sprout up to catch the player if they fall from a fatal height.

  1. Adding a grape berry type would be amazing.

For builders, this would give us vines to work with in designing structures.
It could also double as a natural ladder variant?
For drunkards or mead addicts (like myself), it'd give more variety to the vast collection of food and drink we have in vanilla gameplay.

  • 3.1 Adding a "drunk" negative effect that would make the screen blurry if a player drinks too many mead concoctions in succession would nerf the benefit of meads slightly.
    Drunken viking rage, high risk, high reward.

  • 3.2 Temporary immunity from cold, if you don't have a cold resistance mead on hand anyway. This would be a one minute duration at most and would expire as soon as the player stopped being drunk.

    Similar to how there are rescue dogs with alcohol barrels strapped to their collars to raise blizzard / snow event victims body temperature while waiting for human assistance.

  1. Sling, or (Slingshot.)
    In the early game this would provide a player with an alternative to bow and arrows.
    Stones would be used as ammunition, though at a significant lower dps than an arrow would yield.

Once the player reaches the swamp level of gear, a sling would propel ooze bombs further and faster.

  1. Astrolabe.
    Essentially a constellation based compass that would add a cardinal direction key to the map as long as it's in your inventory.

(Maybe use bronze to craft this, specifically.)

After all, the stars in the nighttime skybox sure are pretty, so why not put them to use?

I'd love to hear feedback from the subreddit on these ideas, positive and negative, as long as it's constructive y'know?


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