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How Scav Karma works with AI

Seems like many (new?) players to Scav Karma are confused about why AI does this and does that (ie. Tagilla killing Player Scavs on sight, etc).

Let's start by talking about Scav karma levels.
All EOD players start with 0.20 on Fence level (0.00 for non-EOD). Scav karma can be increased through completing Fence's tasks, successfully extracting, killing bad scavs, killing PMCs who killed scavs, etc. This wiki page can be helpful.

Depending on your scav karma level, you may have better chances to get one AI bot to cooperate with your orders (follow, guard the area, dismiss, etc). The higher your scav karma level is, the increased chances for an AI bot to cooperate with your orders. Level 6 will get them to 100% cooperate. You can only have one AI bot follow you at the same time.

This also applies to Scav Bosses in some limited way. Bosses will warn and kill you on the spot if you got less than level 6 karma level. The same applies to Bosses' guards (Reshala, Sanitar, Glukhar, etc).

However, if you got Level 6 karma, certain bosses will agree to follow you. Bosses such as Tagilla and Killa. Glukhar, Reshala, Sanitar, Shturman will NOT follow you until their followers DIE. I think this is an intended gameplay balance choice (imagine having Glukhar and his team following you…).

At low scav karma levels, if you approach a Boss or a guard, they will always flip you off and tell you to leave with a "that direction" hand signal. Sometimes, they may shoot without warning.

Raiders and Rogues are not part of Scav team and are to be treated as neutral/hostile parties. They will always refuse any orders and will kill you if you do not leave them alone and/or if they are already aggroed by another player. Rogues' Bosses are hostile.

Looting dead guards/bosses will not aggro remaining alive team members on you. It's perfectly safe. Using any hand signal on a scav, boss, guard, is perfectly safe except the middle finger one of which they will open fire.

So, in essential; If you see a Scav boss sending you hand signals and your karma level is not 6? It's not something good.

If you see them using hand signals when your level is 6? They mean little to nothing actually. They may still flip you off (or guards do that to you) and nothing will happen.

Hope it helps!


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