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How to fight the Goon Squad on Customs:

Here's a quick breakdown of some tips I came up with for fighting the Rogue Bosses on customs from both crackhouse and fortress: (Video form of this guide is at the bottom of the post)

From crackhouse:

  1. Approach carefully, and run across any open areas, as the bosses will shoot at you if they see you.
  2. Enter crackhouse, and hold an angle inside a doorway for a few seconds in case they had aggroed you already.
  3. If you don't get pushed, carefully peek the second floor windows until you get shot at, prone, then hold an angle for a few seconds.
  4. I find that the bosses don't push inside when doors are closed, so you can move downstairs and peek outside of the food area's window, where I find birdeye occasionally sits. He will shoot almost instantly, so be careful.
  5. If you've killed one of the bosses, or haven't gotten aggroed in a long time, you can open a door, and quickly run in and out to try and get aggroed by them. Once you hear a yell, run inside, and hold an angle, be prepared to be pushed by all the remaining bosses.

TIP: Use grenades to make them move, and yell, to give you an idea of where they are.

From old gas station/train tracks

**This side sucks to push from, so if possible, use crackhouse****

  1. Try to stay as close to the wall of fortress as possible then head into the basement
  2. If approaching from train tracks, run very quickly across the open areas into the basement
  3. If you got aggroed, which is likely, be prepared to be pushed from basement stairs, and the way you ran in, sometimes all three will rush you at the same time.
  4. If you don't get pushed, slowly move up the stairs, checking each angle, before doing anything.
  5. If you can't find them, use your grenades to have them yell, or move.
  6. If that is unsuccessful, push onto the first floor, and carefully peek the main doorways, they like to sit outside. If you get spotted by one, run downstairs again, and hold an angle expecting to get pushed by all the remaining bosses.
  7. These aggro baits will take some patience, but always be prepared to get rushed by at least one boss.

SECOND TIP: Make sure you have a painkiller pre-popped, they shoot your legs a ton.

Hopefully this is clear and concise! I also made a video detailing these tips and showcasing fights in more detail, if you'd like to watch that, it's right below:

How to fight the Rogue Bosses on Customs


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