How to release yourself from gear fear.

  1. This game is more fun with when you struggle and out of resources, be it money, gear, weapons or meds. When you overcome adversity is when games thrive.

  2. Always get out in raid with your best gear. Any player who's been past more than a single wipe will tell you that the gear they saved up for "better day" never saw a light of day. That "safety net" money sum also never got used up. And if you fall on hard times running out of all the good gear – look at the first point. Start piling some shit you got in stash together to resemble a kit and go out there. There is no special gear. That meta gun never going to serve its purpose if you never learn to use it. That Slick is going to rot in that chest forever. It's just pixels. Go donate it to someone by going out in style.


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