First of all, this guide is for starters, and is focused on the Marked Key room of the Dorms in Customs, where is the most valuable items in this map on most cases. Before this guide, you have to learn the map, the extracts, etc., but I will make a summary anyway.
The items that can drop in this place are, for example:
*Weapon Case
* Document Case
*Money Case
* Keytool, (this ones you can sell well, or you can keep it if needed)
* Weapons with value worth 50k-100k roubles (AS VAL, SA-58, TX-15, VSS, HK, M4, etc) * and ammo (sometimes m995, m61 and igonik that are quite expensive).
Ok, let's get started!
First, you must buy the Markey Key Room, for the Marked room in Customs on the flea market, it’s 70k-90k worth (sometimes), Check always that the key you'll buy IS 25/25 USES! Don't worry about the price, it’s cheap and it pay itself very fast.
Second point: Learn the map, very important info. Your spawn needs to be favorable to get to the dorms first, or at least second, if your spawn is far from dorms, you have to change your objective (hunt the scav boss, do quests, farm scavs/hidden stashes, join other pmc's fights), you can pass through the dorms anyway but it would be looted most of the time, you can get lucky tho, If you have a favorable spawn, stick to the objective, and don't lose time.
Third point: Rush the 3 floors dorms (where the marked room is) and go straight to it. (Third floor, last dorm in the right with the marks and candles) Tip: When you reach to the door of the marked room, don't open it, go outside behind the marked room, and watch through the window (you can hold C and move the wheel of the mouse to stand or crouch slowly so you can watch clearly what's inside the room, sometimes stuff inside aren’t worth it, so you won’t spend your key in useless stuff). When you realize the loot inside is valuable, go and open it. If the loot is worthy, but not so much to get hyped, don't open the door and roam a bit. If you reach first, wait for other player to come, and ambush them, try to not make noise and hear (wear contacts if you can), with a good positioning and nice aim you can take down players easily. Always take care from the 2 story dorms because there, other players have a good sight of your building.
Fourth point: If you get some juicy loot from the marked, or also a player, you need to make your escape fast. A tip if you are been surrounded and get trapped in the marked room: you can rush to the roof and jump from there to a fence (so you don’t take great damage) and escape. I highly recommend to always take 7k roubles in your secure container to use the Dorm V-ex Extract if you are with some very valuable loot (weapon case for example) and you don't want to risk it. Sometimes this saves your life If you spawn in the side of the Crossroads extract (Because de ZB-1011 extract is so far), meanwhile, If you spawn to the other side, almost always the "Smuggler's Boat" Extract is up, and is really close to the Dorms, you can take that risk If you want.
Fifth point: Maybe you will fail the firsts attempts or get so lucky that no one rush the dorms and you get some really good loot. Expect the unexpected. This is random, but most important, do this a couple of times, and you will learn how to fight in the dorms. Learn the better spots, do quests meanwhile too, that’s not a waste of time at all. With time you will know If there's people inside of the dorms or not. Your hearing is your best friend (mainly if you are solo player, stealth is your advantage). Mark spots, play sneaky, play smart. Don't rush.
Important Info: Scav Boss usually spawns in the 3rd floor Dorms (where the marked room is) but not so often, and If you go straight to the third floor, isn't likely to be even a guard in that floor, but there's always a chance… If you want to ignore him, rush the third floor through the side stairs and take a look, you call if there's a guard or two (even the boss) and you want to fight him. Scav boss can spawn in the 2nd floor Dorms too, so take care giving your position through the windows in the 3rd floor Dorms because they shoot you at sight and have sick aim from long range.
SSh-68 HELMET: best helmet quality=price, high ricochet chance, LVL3, can save you many times!
7N39 IGOLNIK: if you get your hands in this, make sure to use this in a well geared pmc, this penetrate any kind of armor. but is quite expensive. Don't buy it if you are in a budget.
BS AMMO: Second Best ammo, a little bit weaker that Igolkin, but a little bit cheaper too. I highly recommend get at least 30 bullets for your first magazine. And use it wisely.
BT AMMO: When you are in a budget, this is your second best ammo, usually you will kill one or two with your first magazine with BS AMMO, but if you don't your second ammo need to have at least this ammo to finish the rest. Quite decent but hardly penetrate lvl 5-6 chest armor. With this ammo go for the Head or ambush players. Tip: You can get easily a lot of this in Reserve on the top of green boxes, they are in packages of ammo, do scav runs sometimes to exclusively refill your ammo stash, you can get BS too.
BP AMMO: The last decent ammo to kill players, but cheap. Use it to kill under lvl 4 armor players or scavs/ scav boss.
PS-PP AMMO: This two ammo I only recommend to use against scavs, almost no penetration up to armor lvl 2-3.
Other ammo below: NOT RECOMMENDED AT ALL.
My loadout always is ONE MAG OF 30 bullets (or 60 mag if I can afford it to kill squads) of the best ammo (IGOLNIK IF I CAN GET IT, IF DON'T, BS!), then 2 mags of BT AMMO, then 1 mag of BP or PP, exclusively to kill scavs (They always scream at you behind walls so you can notice them, so they give you the chance to change your mag to the shitt*'s one.). And one cheap grenade (RGD-5) if you can afford it, this can save your life and take you out of hard situations sometimes. With this, you can kill one or two, or even three full geared guys with some patience, good spotting, and good aim.
The weapon and ammo is all preference, and looking for the best quality-price. You can use for Budget weapons like SKS, or VEPR HUNTER too, but they are single fire and struggles a bit to fight 2-3 man squads. Up to you guys
TIP WHEN LOOTING PLAYERS IN DORMS, OR SURROUNDINGS: When you kill a player, make sure it was alone, be patience, repositionate and take a good look to loot, then, If your items are insured, hide them in dorms nobody look (dorms opens with no loot that can be closed), the bathroom, big bushes, etc. And equip the enemy gear, with this, you don't care anymore if you die because your things are secured (just waste ammo and meds).
That's all guys! It's a solid playstyle, I use it and get me a lot of profit. I hope is useful for someone!
My discord for help, or more tips: Foca#6577. I'm aiming to become a Sherpa and help others.
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