How to survive longer in raid

I know a lot of us shitters tend to have a hard time surviving raids, and to be fair, these tips won't guarantee survival, but they will help you have more fun and not die 2-4 minutes into every raid.

1) Knowledge: Do a quick search for spawns on each map and the hotspots players are likely to migrate towards. Avoid those areas and understand the limitations of your skills and gear. Research will also help you to complete the early game quests if you are unfamiliar with how/what is needed to complete them.

2) DO NOT RUN: I know getting in raid is an exciting thing, and your blood pressure might increase as you spawn in, but resist the urge to run towards where you want to go. Often more experienced players will take a few seconds to check if they can pick off a sprinty boi before heading for their destination. Not running unless necessary has increased my average survival time by 5x.

3) Do not VOIP: At least during this wipe, no one is friendly, and even when I am carrying nothing but a double barrel and a pocketful of buckshot, players will not hesitate to kill you for the measly 200ish xp.

4) Play with friends: Games are always more fun with friends! Not only that, but an extra set or two of eyes and ears can help you from walking into a bad situation.

5) Play for fun: If you aren't having fun, whether because you're stuck on a quest and have been hitting a wall in completing it, or if you just aren't having fun playing the game, take a break. Maybe a break is only an hour or as long as a week; either way, fun is the point of playing video games, don't force yourself to play when you aren't enjoying the game.


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