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How to Thrive in Escape From Tarkov

The primary objective of Escape From Tarkov is to survive raids and accomplish given priorities.

The primary crux of accomplishing EFT’s primary objective is to survive player Private Military Company (PMC) encounters and accomplish given priorities.

This is the biggest challenge of the game. And it can occur multiple times per raid with multiple players per encounter.

To maximize in raid enjoyment a player will begin a raid with the goal to have fun! This is accomplished by…
1. Accepting the truth that the journey is more important than the outcome
2. Setting out at the pace that the player feels comfortable with
3. Prioritize following curiosities/interests in the raid over gaining in game experience, loot, and kills

To maximize in raid performance a player will do the following…
1. Entering combat repeatedly to test decision making and improve mechanical interface operating abilities (aka killing players xD)
2. Accept repeated failures over and over and over again as a pathway for learning and try to enjoy learning from failures
3. Accept a stature of humility and simultaneously pride in your abilities

A guide on improving performance…
1. Knowledge/Intel, Decision Making, and Encounter Performance are the core skills required to survive/kill players
2. Knowledge is all information of the ingame itself. This includes the main menu, settings, traders, all items in the game, everything inside of all maps. A howto guide should be created about memorizing EFT knowledge
3. Intel is all information pertaining to an encounter/fight. A howto guide should be created about interpreting intel
4. Decision Making is the ability to take knowledge/intel and conclude the optimal course of action to accomplish the encounter/fight. A howto guide should be created about decision making in an encounter and possibly in general
5. Encounter Performance is the ability to physically act upon the former two core skills (Knowledge/Intel and Decision Making). A howto guide should be created about how to improve good ole runnin and gunnin xD

Howto guide for memorizing EFT knowledge
1. The application of things memorized is what motivates memorizing. Don’t think about the act of memorizing, think about the application of it in raid
2. Go to each trader and select items by category. Commit each item to memory along with it’s most pragmatic/useful fact. Note: A tip, decide what is and is not valuable to know/memorize in its application to an encounter/fight.
3. Go to controls and “commit each item to memory along with it’s most pragmatic/useful fact(the keystroke?). Note: A tip, decide what is and is not valuable to know/memorize in its application to an encounter/fight.”
4. Note: Lets assume your graphics/audio are tweaked to your optimal needs

Howto guide for interpreting intel
1. The greater accuracy of the intel you perceive the greater odds of successful Decision Making
2. For audio, train yourself to correctly interpret gunfire, grenades, others footstep speed (crawl, crouched, slow walk, jog, sprint), healing, coughing, voip, and phrases. Attempt to make a game out of determining your success rate of guessing correctly the audio where possible
3. For visual, train yourself to correctly interpret distinguishing movement (of all kinds, scoped and non scoped), terrain/environment tactics (a howto guide would be good for this), and cover/positioning tactics (howto guide again)

Howto guide for decision making in an encounter and possibly in general
1. Given perceived intel, one must decide optimal actions to overcome the primary crux of EFT “to survive player Private Military Company (PMC) encounters and accomplish given priorities.” Core actions include fight or flight, positioning, and weapons/ammo usage
2. Decide if fight or flight is priority
3. Determine passively your positioning relative to your terrain/environment and prioritize optimizing your positioning over the terrain/environment
4. Determine your optimal weapons/ammo to optimize the odds to kill your combatant(s)

Howto guide to improve good ole runnin and gunnin xD
1. Act upon your Knowledge/Intel/Decision Making. Until you have accomplished the primary objective of EFT, you need to act. Doing so is not a given, it is taken.
2. Note: Why is keeping on the move good general combat advice? Well imo I think it is because of the truth previously mentioned. Until the objective (safety/success) is achieved you have failed. Inaction invites death/failure. Idk weak opinion idk lol
3. Success begets success improvement begets improvement so spend time having fun playing this game! Failure and success! The journey really is the enjoyable part


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