Yes yes, I can already hear you saying "JUsT PlaY OfFliNe FacToRy iN hOrdE moDe" but hear me out. Even if I have been playing this game for a month pretty much daily and have seen a great improvement in my aim and tactical skills from both offline and online practice, I have never felt comfortable with my weaponry: all guns felt a bit sluggish and I was never sure my shots would hit. Also, I had never really upgraded the hideout much (had everything on lvl 1), it felt like an end-game kind of thing and I didn't really give it too much thought. This evening the matchmaking times were a bit crazy so I decided to spend some hard earned cash (pro tip, don't save stacks of money, when you have around 1mil and know that you won't have problems making another one, start making your life easier, buy cases of whatever you like). I went on the flea market and did some calculations: based on my current prices I needed about 600k to get the shooting range (do your own math, I don't want to be responsible if you end up broke ). So I bought all the necessary things offer not found compulsive pressing of click+y and built the damn thing. JESUS F CHRIST it's fking brilliant! I shot for a whole hour with all the guns I had in the stash (ammo is on the house so we gucci on that, you can shoot all day as long as you have it in stash), finetuned my mouse sensitivity, did all kinds of aim drills, peeking drills, recoil control and all, and the best of it is you don't have any loading times! It helped me so much on the confidence level, now when I enter a raid I just know that my bullets are going to hit and weapons feel so good. I don't know what it is about offline factory but compared to the shooting range it just doesn't cut it. I don't know if it's because of the loading time, the limited ammo, the tension of being shot at from various angles… So GO BUY YOURSELF A SHOOTING RANGE NOW!