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I feel like updates go tall but not wide.

New Valheim update

To explain what I mean by this a tall update adds content that progresses past the current most difficult boss (For instance the moon lord being added to terraria) building wide means expanding between progression points (Think of the deerclops boss or queen slime in terraria).

My main issue with this is that as the game progresses items don't lose functionality which wouldn't be an issue if these tasks became easier. At the start of the game isn't an issue to have to forage for berries, thistle, or hunt boars, and deer. Some of these issues do flesh themselves out (for instance being able to breed 2 star boars automates boar farming) but as the game progresses these tasks start to pile up. I still need berries for mead and some dishes but now I also need to keep getting copper, wood is still for the most part just as tedious to get because it takes forever to haul it, stone is just as tedious to get because it takes forever to haul it, there are still structures that need bronze, copper, and tin but getting these resources aren't any easier to get with better tools. Losing all of your items isn't a big deal in the early game but later it is literally just a gamble to run away from the deathsquitos with my stuff.

This leads to the game progressively getting worse and worse the further you get because tasks don't become automated. I wish that there was some kind of riding animal (not specifically a horse) that could have a cart attached to it that requires bronze or iron to make the saddle so that harvesting copper and tin becomes easier, Poison resistance brews have an upgraded version that is easier to get after getting iron tools, a way to make new berry spots (not farming them in your base but being able to add them to the wilderness so foraging still exists but is more efficient), and adding the OPTION to play with complete keep inventory and a hotbar and armor keep inventory (I've spent real life hours in game trying to get back items only to die instantly and have to take another 30 minute trip to attempt to get my stuff, I get that that brutality can give a sense of tension to a lot of players but for me and I assume other players it is just a time sink.)

It isn't that I dislike Valheim but the late game makes me feel less like a badass. I feel like this makes Valheim have an almost inversed progression system where instead of making previous roadblocks easier to deal with as I continue, instead I just continue to collect more road blocks.


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