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I have made a killing just playing shoreline at night with scav and proning in a bush before I make a last ditch effort to sprint all the way to the evac. Sometimes I start with insane loot. If I have some shitty Saiga shotgun I go yolo rambo.

The map is a joke at night tbh. If you know the map (the wires from the power station help hard core) then you dont even need night vision, brightness turned up. The fucking moon alone is bright as hell and you can always tell where you are. I even kill scavs, I don't care because the gas station will be cleared by the time I evac. Scavs also have the best evacs other than camped tunnel.

Even the Resort evacs everyones gone by then. Just leave with no time left. fuck it camp it or run around looting early.

You load in with some pog keys this has made me millions. I basically AFK watch Overwatch League or something, or even play path of exile or TFT with sound muted etc. sometimes I hear someone (dual monitor) and frag them from a ratty bush. My stats are higher than my main from doing this shit lmao. Half the time the parts to the shitty saiga are actually worth like 20k each and then just put in cheap substitutions and sell it on the market as a whole gun dirt cheap.

This has also boosted the shit out of my flea rating.

Idk why im telling you guys this. Probably won't be upvoted, so heres a tip for the knights of new.

edit: I should do this with my main to level up tbh. but the spawns suck dick for PMC on these types o fmaps. Everyones like 1 km away on the outskirts. You either rush the fuck in, find a bush for 10 misn or get rushed yourself.


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