I ve finished Stylish one…

So i killed KILLA 50 times. It goes like this

  1. Spawn
  2. Wait till 39:38 to check if there is KILLA
  3. If KILLA is there I use SJ6
  4. Rush 2nd floor
  5. Flash, Flash, Flash
  6. He says 1 out of 2. "HA-HA OOBEGAYU OOBEGAYU" "UGH BLYA"
  7. BS, BT, PS, SNB bullet in the head (top of the head)
  8. Extract with no backpack

Here are MOST (maybe even all) of KILLAs spawns (marked with red dots)

HUGE tip, if you see KILLA next to a door, hit him once, or make him aggro. Close the door and wait him. He will clip through the door and teleport back. This way you have ~1 second of opportunity to shoot



Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/176yji0/i_ve_finished_stylish_one/

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