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Idea. Magic staffs of boss trophies

New Valheim update

New items. Made of Refine Eitr and Boss trophies / boss items.

Staff of Eikthyr

Staff of the Elder

Staff of Bonemass

Staff of Moder

Staff of Yagluth

Staff of the Queen

  • *uses eitr to switch your forsaken power without needing to go back to spawn. *

It'd be really nice to be able to run around with Eikthyr then switch to Yagluth or Bonemass for a fight and switch to Moder if we sail.

It would take item slots and resources.

It would also take killing the boss once more per player you have so each have this staffs.

(Maybe after you killed the bosses once, they also get a star, so is harder to kill them a second time and keeps scaling the more you summon them)


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