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I’ve been keeping track of how often i found intel folders in the new Customs area office. Here’s the data:

I've only kept track of the amount of times i was certain i was the first one in the office, its my first go-to position on two different spawns on Customs. If i wasn't certain if i was first or not, i didn't count the data.

Run 1: 2 folders

Run 2: 1 folder

Run 3: No folders

Run 4: 1 folder

Run 5: 2 folders

Run 6: No folders

Run 7: No folders

Run 8: 1 folder

Run 9: 1 folder

Run 10: No folders

Run 11: No folders

Run 12: 2 folders

Run 13: No folders

Run 14: 2 folders

Run 16: 1 folder

Run 17: 1 folder

Run 18: no folders

Run 19: 2 folders

Run 20: 1 folder

Run 21: no folders

Run 22: no folders

Run 23: 2 folders

Run 24: 1 folder

Run 25: no folders

Run 26: 1 folder

Total possible folder spawns (as tested in offline mode) is 5 different spawn locations. I'm not sure if there's a chance for more than 2 to spawn, but i've never found more than 2.

Average folders per run: 0.81

Chance of finding a folder: 57.7%

Few more things i found out on this location:

  • High chance of finding ammo in the room beside the opened door on the side near the RUAF roadblock. Frequently found 120 pc BT and SNB packs, combined with the loose spawns in the USEC consctruction site(the one with the grenade/machine guns) makes it a terrific spot to hit for low lvl players that need decent ammo.

  • You can sometimes find a bottle of alcohol on top of the cabinet next to the door that leads into the showers and on the desk in the room with the ammo next to the open door.

  • Very high chance of finding Salewas all across the building, good place to hit for Therapist's first quest once the wipe comes

  • The medicine room across the office with the folders frequently spawn morphine on the tables.

  • A razor headphone sometimes spawns on top of the filing cabinets behind the desk.


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