Join the 604 Madia

You're on this subreddit for one of several reasons, and I can promise you – here in The 604-Mafia, we can handle just about all of them. Tired of having to take on that squad all on your own? Create a voice call (which you can customize the max capacity of with one click) and watch it fill up with people there for the same reasons as you.

Be that 4 man squad you're always worried about. New to the game, or stuck on a task? We're here to be that guidance system with a team of active and dedicated sherpas and informed members. Just want to meet some friendly people to run with? We're not 'The Mafia' for nothing! We've got you covered on all fronts. We're here to make your experience on Tarkov something you enjoy every time you boot it up. Join us and turn this game from what used to feel like the Dark Souls of shooters, into a game you thrive in and get all the loot you'd ever want.

Looking for that short and sweet TL;DR? We've got that covered, too. Here's what we offer;

1.) Guidance and information about anything you need.

2.) Fun experiences and strong teamwork.

3.) Clear and focused communication.

4.) A text channel hub with keysets for all maps, ammo charts, and more.

5.) Sweet, sweet rubles.

Just click the link already.


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