So let me give you some quick lesoons that i learned in my 300 hours of gameplay, i know i ain't a pro but this are the essentials that i think everyone should know when u start to play tarkov:
-Always wear a balaclava! Without it it's waaaay easier to spot you.
-I think this applies to everyone but especially to solo players: NEVER GO INTO A RAID WITHOUT HEADPHONES!
I dont even know hom many times I killed people because i heard them and they didn't hear me.
-This lesson has something to do with the last one: Sprint only when necessary. If you sprint someone with a pair of headphones (even with the gssh's) will hear you from 30 meters while you can only hear people from 10.
-Damage has everything to do with your ammo and not your gun. Fully modded AK but you go in with PS ammo? Congrats you just wasted 200k
-Painkillers on number 4 and salewa on number 5 cause when u get in a gunfight it should be easier to get your painkillers than your meds but still its personal preference like somebody in the comments mentioned .
-ALWAYS INSURE EVERYTHING. I know sometimes u think like yeah i got a fully modded m4 why should i insure that? If im dead somebody will definetly pick it up. Wrong. What if you die to AI scavs? What is the other person is full gear too? There are a lot of scenario's where your gear just get's back to you. Thank me later.
-IF YOU GO FULL GEAR BRING NADES! When you go into raid with full gear there is no reason for you not to bring nades with you. Except if you don't have any money. Your loadout is worth 300k 2 nades and fladhes cost max 30k on the flea market, don't cheap out on them they will save your live countless times
Sorry for bed england. Sold my wife for internet connection and goat for tarkov
Edit: Spel check and edit tip 1 and 3