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Little note pad guide I put together

Hey guys. Nothing major. I just made this note pad guide. There might be some spelling error's here and there and inconsistencies but It's just here for people to use post wipe and for new players to use so they don't throw away useful stuff they pick up in raid. Have fun guys.

Just copy-paste it into a note pad text document and it should work fine Have fun PMC's


  1. Hideout upgrade manual

  2. Quest Item Manual

  3. Useful barter Manual

  4. Useful youtube videos

=================================================================================Hideout Upgrade list=================================================================================


PSU = Power supply unit


__________Air Filtering Unit__________

Level 1: $10,000

_____________Bitcoin Farm_____________

Level 1: 10 CPU fan, 5 PSU, 5 powercord, 1 electric drill

Level 2: 15 CPU fan, 5 PSU, 5 Circuit Board, 2 Phase control relay

Level 3: 25 CPU fan, 10 silicone tube, 1 Eletric motor, 2 Pressure gauge

___________Booze Generator____________

Level 1: 4 Silicone tube, 2 analogue thermometers, 2 pressure gauge, 5 corrugated hose


Level 1: ₽100,000

Level 2: 5 Phase control relay, 1 Eletric motor, 15 Wires

Level 3: 6 Phase control relay, 2 Eletric motor, 5 Spark plug, 5 PSU


Level 1: ₽25,000

Level 2: ₽50,000

Level 3: 8 radiator Helix, 8 wires


Level 1: ₽10,000

Level 2: 14 Light Bulb, 5 Wires

Level 3: ₽50,000, 7 Capacitors

__________Intelligence Center_________

Level 1: 1 Folder with Intelligence

Level 2: 3 Folder with Intelligence, 3 USB flash drive, 4 Powercord, 4 Hard drive

Level 3: 2 Military COFDM, 2 VPX flash storage, 3 Gas analyzer, 4 Military cable


Level 1: ₽2,000

Level 2: 3 Corrugated hose, 5 Pack of screws, 1 Electric drill

Level 3: 6 Corrugated hose, 2 Pressure gauge, 1 tool set, 3 Xenomorphic


Level 1: ₽400,000


Level 1: ₽25,000

Level 2: ₽50,000, 1 Medical bloodset, 3 saline solution

Level 3: ₽150,000, 5 Saline solution, 1 LEDX

____________Nutrition Unit____________

Level 1: ₽25,000, 2 Phase control relay

Level 2: 4 Wrench, 2 Corrugated hose, 2 Akali, 1 Phase control relay

Level 3: ₽125,000, 3 Coffee Majaice, 3 sodium

______________Rest Space______________

Level 1: ₽10,000

Level 2: ₽35,000

Level 3: $3,000, 4 powercord, 5 capacitors, 7 wires

______________Scav Case_______________

Level 1: 2 Lion, 2 Gold Skull, 6 gold chain, 3 Roler


Level 1: ₽20,000

Level 2: ₽45,000

Level 3: 2 Working LCD, 4 Wires, 8 NIXXOR lense, 1 SSD Drive

____________Shooting range____________

Level 1: 4 Pack of screws, 5 screw nut, 5 bolts, 3 Duct tape

_____________Solar Power______________

Level 1: €15,000


Level 1: ₽3,500,000, 1 Handdrill, 7 pack of screws, 4 WD-40

Level 2: ₽8,500,000, 2 Eletric Drill, 8 pack of screws

Level 3: €150,000


Level 1: ₽25,000

Level 2: 1 Electric motor, 1 car battery

Level 3: 2 Electric motor, 8 Wires, 3 circuit board, 3 Car Battery

____________Water Collector___________

Level 1: 4 Corrugated hose, 5 Bolts, 5 Screw nut, 3 Duct tape

Level 2: 6 Corrugated hose, 2 Electric motor, 2 Tool set

Level 3: ₽ 125,000, 2 Pliers Elite, 5 Shushtrilo sealing foam


Level 1: 2 Screw nuts, 2 Bolts, 1 Leatherman Multitool

Level 2: 3 Tool sets, 2 Electric drill, 6 bolts

Level 3: ₽195,000, 2 Pliers Elite, 1 Fireklean gun lube



* = Must be found in raid

^ = Requied Item

~~~~ = Common items to look out for.

=================================================================================Quest Items to keep=================================================================================

Prapor | Checking: Machinery key^

Prapor | Delivery from the past: Customs office key^

Prapor | Bad rep evidence: Portable cabin key of customs Factory zone^

Prapor | Ice Cream Cones: 6 60round AK magazines

Prapor | Shaking up teller: Dorm room 203 Key^

Prapor | The Punisher part 2: 10 Lower half-masks* ~~~~

Prapor | The Punisher part 4: 10 Bars A-2607- 95×18 | ANY Balaclava^ (CF, Balaclava, Ghost, Momex), Scav Vest^

Prapor | The Punisher part 5: 3 M4A1's, 3 AK-74N's, 5 PM Pistols

Prapor | The Punisher part 6: 10 USEC dogtags, 10 BEAR dogtags

Prapor | Regulated materials: Military Battery*, 10 30-mil. shells*

Therapist | Shortage: 5 Salewa kits

Therapist | Sanitary Standards part1: Gas analyzer*

Therapist | Sanitary Standards part2: 3 Gas analyzers

Therapist | Operation Aquarius part1: Dorm room 206 Key^

Therapist | Painkiller: 5 Morphine*

Therapist | Pharmacist: Dorm room 114 Key^

Therapist | General Wares: 15 Tushonka* ~~~~

Therapist | Car Repair: 4 Car batteries*, 8 Spark plugs* ~~~~

Therapist | Health care privacy part2: West wing room 306 key^

Therapist | Health care privacy part5: 3 Blue Gun powder^

Therapist | Hippocratic Vow: $500^

Therapist | Private clinic: 3 Ophthalmoscopes, 2 LEDX

Therapist | An apple a day: ₽400,000^

Skier | Supplier: 4 Module-3M body armors, 4 TOZ-106 bolt-action shotguns

Skier | The Extortionist: Unknown key^

Skier | What's on the flash drive?: 2 USB flash drives

Skier | Golden Swag: Dorm room 303 Key^

Skier | Chemical part 1: Dorm room 220 Key

Skier | Chemical part 1: Dorm room 220 Key^

Skier | Friend from the west part 1: 2 MBSS Backpacks, 1 AVS plate carrier

Skier | Friend from the west part 2: $6,000

Skier | Vitamins part 1: Office 112 West wing key^, Key to EMERCOM medical unit^

Skier | Vitamins part 2: 5 Respirators*, 5 Medical blood sets

Skier | Lend-Lease Part 1: West wing room 216 key^, East wing room 306 key^, East wing room 308 key^

Skier | Chumming: 9 Gold Chains^

Skier | Bullshit: 1 Roler^, 1 SV-98 bolt-action sniper rifle^

Peacekeeper | Fishing gear: 1 SV-98 bolt-action sniper rifle^, 1 Leatherman Multitool^

Peacekeeper | Humanitarian supplies: 5 MRE lunch boxes

Peacekeeper | Spa tour part 3: 1 WD-40 100ml*, 2 Clin wipers*, 2 Corrugated hoses*, 2 Ox bleach*

Peacekeeper | Spa tour part 4: West wing room 219 key^, West wing room 220 key^

Peacekeeper | Spa tour part 6: $8,000

Peacekeeper | Spa tour part 7: 4 Morphine*, 2 Akali*, 2 Corrugated hose*, 2 Propane*

Peacekeeper | Cargo X part 1: East wing room 306 key^, East wing room 308 key^

Peacekeeper | Lend-Lease part 2: 3 Virtex programmable processor, 2 Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter,

Peacekeeper | Wet Job part 5: East wing room 328 key^, Health resort utility room key^

Peacekeeper | Mentor: €50,000

Mechanic | Farming part 1: 2 tool sets^

Mechanic | Farming part 2: 3 Powercord, 5 T-Shaped Plug, 3 Printed circuit board

Mechanic | Farming part 3: Customs office key^

Mechanic | Farming part 4: 7 Graphics cards, 7 CPU fans

Mechanic | Signal part 2: 3 PC CPU*, 3 Rechargeable battery*, 3 Printed Circuit board* , 3 Broken GPhone* ~~~~

Mechanic | Bad Habit: 7 Malboro Cigarettes*, 7 Strike Cigarettes*, 7 Wilston cigarettes* ~~~~

Mechanic | Import: 2 UHF RFID Reader, 2 VPX Flash Storage Module

Mechanic | Fertilizers: 5 Wires*, 5 capacitors*

Ragman | Dressed to kill: 7 Ushanka ear-flap cap, 7 Kinda cowboy hat ~~~~

Ragman | Gratitude: Ghost balaclava^, Shemagh^, RayBench sunglasses^, Round frame sunglasses^

Ragman | Hot Delivery: 2 ComTac 2 headset^, 6B47 Helmet^, Gzhel-K armor^

Ragman | Database part 2: Key to OLI logistics department office^

Ragman | Sew it good part 1: 2 Shmaska, 2 Pilgrim backpack

Ragman | Sew it good part 2: 2 Gzhel-K armor

Ragman | Sew it good part 3: 2 6B43

Ragman | Sew it good part 4: 2 WTRig, 2 Black rock

Ragman | The blood of war part 2: 4 Fcond*

Ragman | Living high part 1: 3 lion, 3 horse, 2 cat, 1 roler

Ragman | Living high part 2: 3 teapot*, 2 Vase*

Ragman | Supervisor: Key to Goshan cash register

Ragman | Textile part 1: 5 Aramid fiber cloth*, 10 Ripstop cloth*, 3 paracord* ~~~~

Ragman | Textile part 2: 10 Fleece cloth*, 10 Polyamide fabric Cordura*, 5 KEKTAPE duct tape* ~~~~

Jaeger | Acquaintance: 5 Iskra lunch box, 6 Emelya rye croutons, 3 delicious beef stew ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jaeger | The survivalist path thrifty: 2 Iskra lunch box^, 2 Water Bottle^

Jaeger | Huntsman path – the trophy: 1 golden TT*

Jaeger | Huntsman path – Sellout: Killa's helmet*

Jaeger | Huntsman path – Woods keeper: Shturman's key*

Jaeger | Ambulance: 3 CMS surgery kits, 2 Portable Defibrillators

Jaeger | Shady Business: 3 flash drives*

Jaeger | Fishing place: 3 TerraGroup Labs access keycards*

Fence | Pickup: firesteel*, Antique axe*, antique Book*, FireKlean gunlube*, rooster*, Silver badge*, Deadlyslob beard oil*, Golden GPhone*, Devildog Mayo*, Sprats*, Fake Mustache*, Kotton Beanie*

=================================================================================Useful barter trades EFT=================================================================================


RGD-5 Grenade: 1 ES lamp – REPUTATION LEVEL 2

F1 Grenade: 2 ES lamp's – REPUTATION LEVEL 3


Painkillers: 2 Match boxes – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

Car medkit: 2 Duct Tape – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

Lunchbox: 1 Syringe – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

Office key: 4 Gold chains – REPUTATION LEVEL 2

Med case: 7 Blood sets, 7 Syringes, 2 Vasaline – REPUTATION LEVEL 2

Scav Junk Box: 100 level 10+ dogtags – REPUTATION LEVEL 2

Document case: 1 cat statue, 1 Lion Statue, 5 Horse statues – REPUTATION LEVEL 2

ICase: 20 Ophthalmoscope 10 meds OR 140 level 15 dogtags – REPUTATION LEVEL 3


MBSS Backpack: 1 Hard Drive – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

P226R Pistol: 4 A-2607 – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

Intelligence: 2 Black diaries, 2 Green diaries – REPUTATION LEVEL 3


VOG-17 Grenade: 1 Fuze – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

AmmoCase: 5 Blue gunpowder, 1 Green gunpowder – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

Toolset: 1 Pliers, 1 screw driver, 1 Wrench, 1tape, 1 tape – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

LCD Screen: 3 Broken LCD screens – REPUTATION LEVEL 2


PACA Armor: 3 Half Masks – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

6B5-15 Armor: 3 soap, 4 Toilet paper – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

6B47 Helmet: 2 Bleach – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

GSSh-01Headset: 2 Paper – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

MBSS backpack: 2 Level 1 Dogtags – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

ComTac Headset: 6 Matchboxes – REPUTATION LEVEL 2

Tri-zip: 4 ES lamps – REPUTATION LEVEL 2

GZHEL armor: 2 Gold Chains, 3 Coffee – REPUTATION LEVEL 3


Fuel: 15 Matchbox – REPUTATION LEVEL 1

Food bag: 10 hot rod, 15 tar cola, 5 Herring, 5 squash – REPUTATION LEVEL 2

Sicc case: 10 Paracord, 15 Duct tape, 10 Blue tape, 12 Nails – REPUTATION LEVEL 3

Red rebel: 15 Propane tank, 10 Fcond, 15 Dry fuel – REPUTATION LEVEL 3

Grenade box: 5 survL, 15 matches, 8 repellent – REPUTATION LEVEL 3

=================================================================================Useful Videos=================================================================================

5 Weapon builds for level 1-10:

3 Low recoil AK builds:

3 Low recoil M4 builds:

Body Armor guide:

Helmet Guide:

Pestily Playthrough Series:


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