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New Armor Idea: Serpent Scale Armor

Valheim Guide: How to Acquire Strongest Weapon in the Game

For a while now I thought that it would be cool if the sea creatures drops had more uses, especially since the Serpents are the dominant threat when exploring by boat. So how about a Serpent Scale armor that uses serpent scales as its protective and mostly chitin as well as maybe a small amount of iron as a bounding components?

Considering the stats of the Serpent scale shield, its armor values could be close to the silver armor. As for unique properties, it could offer protection vs. the 'wet' debuff. This would make it an interesting option for exploration, especially at sea or when revisiting swamps at a later stage to farm the iron required for the Padded armor. As an additional benefit, the protection agains the wet debuff also likely means lower stamina drain during swimming.

The danger of fighting several sea serpents and the difficulty in finding enough Leviathans seem like a good trade-off for providing good defenses as well as an incredibly useful resistance.

I believe that this would also fit really well into the world of Valheim in terms of flavor:

'A tough armor made out of sea serpents scales. Bound together by a flexible fabric of iron thread and chitin, it seems almost watertight'


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