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New players click here

So I've been working on a new player series as I'm constantly responding to "I need help" posts and tend to read or write the same type of advice. Most of it is generic "Learn map, get better ammo, git gud…etc" yet there are a lot of advice that should help yet can be hard to digest along all the other information Tarkov is throwing at you.
The guide will be more of a progression to help you apply your playstyle to fit your needs.
In my series I'll also be grabbing random low levels and helping them.
On my channel you'll find an…attempt to do just that.
I have quite a few videos I'm putting together and I'm still actively recording new stuff, so if you wish to get carried/learn how to make some roubles or just get out of spawn on customs and be in a video, Dm me or add me on discord ( Vontelle#2970 )
Anyway, check out

For some entertainment. Keep posted for the good stuff. Thanks!


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