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Noob tips for tarkov begginers -Survival from 6 to 28 % in 2 weeks-

So I got this game a couple of weeks ago and instantly fell in love with it. The rush, plays, gunfights, leveling systems,quest and pretty much everything was amazing for me. At first I was really discouraged and afraid to even play as I had the famous gear fear or just generally afraid of everything, as soon as I heard something I would panick and go into freeze mode.

However, after playing 180 hours in 2~ weeks (Level 31) I can now say I feel comfortable with my level, skills and overall learning of the game. I used to watch a lot of streamers and tutorials on maps to be better because I was really tired of dying all out of nowhere and having no idea who killed me 90% of the time.

So I tought I wanted to teach new players the best tips I can think about in a quick summary, here they go (feel free to add moore as there are much more experienced players than me):

-Gear fear will improve dramatically as you become better in the game, just give it time and keep practicing

-Always play first in offline mode with bots and test the maps and gear

-Double check your gear after goin into a raid ALWAYS, it has happened to me a lot of times I went into a raid without meds, armor or a backpack and then regreted it.

-After hearing one player ALWAYS assume there are 2 or more, countless times I've died because I was just focusing into one thing too much

-After a gunfight ALWAYS assume other players heard you and are heading your way

-NEVER loot fast, loot smart, take your time and check your surroundings, make sure you have cover also

-At first levels try not to spend to much in gear or weapons, just go light and loot some scavs and go on from there (to save lots of money)

-You all probably know this but, ammo is the most important thing in tarkov, bad ammo against armor you can spend 50 bullets and not kill

-Know when to play fast and when to play slow, common sense is key here, if you hear someone next to you and hes probably waiting for you play smart, use distraction or smart movement to outplay the enemy. If you hear someone reloading, healing or just walking away (if alone obviously) RUSH them

-Keep watching your surroundings, never focus on only one spot. This is key in tarkov since most maps are huge, use the middle mouse button to look around and always be ready and alert, this has given me LOTS of free kills

-Learn the maps spawns, this is huge, this way you will know exactly where the other players spawned and LOTS of times they spawn really close to you and will be expecting you!

-Headshots are HUGE in this game, you can kill the best geared dude with a good placed headshot, always try and aim for the head

-Take your time when you have it!This is common sense too, when aiming an enemie try and calculate when they will shoot you or see you so you can aim and land your headshoot but if you know they already saw you or you see them arlready aiming at you just try and shoot as fast as possible at center mass

-Flaking is really important, when you engage always try and flank, calculate where your enemie is and try to hear if he's moving or in the same position and go around them. This is really helpfull too when engaging 2+ players

-Repositioning is also really important, If you get shot and you have no clue where from, RUN . If you have a bad position in the open just run for cover, don't try to engage because 90% of the times you will die

-Always use cover and move from cover to cover, this can save your life soo many times

-Use grenades and learn how to throw them in offline mode

-Move your aim around when you hear someone to pin-point the exact location, this is really usefull when shoots are from behind or front

-Use single fire for far and auto for close combat, try and aim to the head when single shoting

Thats all the esentials that I can think of but there is obviously much more.


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