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Opinion/Idea: Drakes (and debatably, Leeches) should really drop meat we can cook directly and also use in more complex recipes, like all the other animal type creatures in the game.

Walheim: how to make delicious mead and what it is for

Every animal type creature in the game drops meat that can be cooked directly for a grilled meat and also used in more complex and beneficial recipes… except for drakes and leeches. Why?

For drakes, just getting frost glands and the occasional trophy really feels a bit less rewarding than most other animals. On par with necks, sure, but still odd since they don't drop meat despite being far larger than necks.

And as for these leeches, they're way too big to not have at least a bit of edible meat here, right? They could be treated a bit like eels at least, in my opinion.

I mean just look how they stand out in a list like this:

Meadows/Black Forest:

  • Neck – grilled/cooked + mincemeat sauce

  • Boar – grilled/cooked + boar jerky + mincemeatsauce + sausages [Boar nominated for early game (M)ost (V)aluable (P)ig]

  • Deer – grilled/cooked + deer stew


  • Leech – none?!


  • Wolves – grilled/cooked + wolf jerky + wolf meat skewers

  • Drakes – none?!


  • Lox – grilled/cooked + lox pie


  • Hare – grilled/cooked + misthare supreme

  • Seekers – grilled/cooked + seeker aspic


  • Fish – grilled/cooked + fish wraps + Fish n' Bread

  • Serpent – grilled/cooked + serpent stew

When you look at a list like this, with all these other animal-types dropping meat that can be grilled/cooked plus having at least additional use, the missing 2 creatures' meat drops really stand out right?

So I propose that while we wait for Ashlands, we get a minor food update addressing these 2 overlooked areas.

(Side note: speaking of neck earlier, maybe we could get an extra drop like "Neck Leather" or something we could use to make an early game accessory, a neck-leather belt perhaps, that gave a really minor bonus – like maybe +10 carry weight due to back support or something – to use until we found the trader and got the strength belt?)


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