Proposal for a new tool: the Scythe

Walheim: how to make delicious mead and what it is for

Yesterday I was playing Valheim with a friend and we're planting a ton of crops, because we want to fight Moder. Planting the crops is really easy, you grab your cultivator and plant plant plant your seeds. But then…

Then you go and harvest the grown crops. I think this is such a pain. When I see 300 plants I need to harvest, I already don't look forward to it.

So what if there was a tool that helps you harvest your crops, like a Scythe! In my mind this tool is great for harvesting crops. However it should not be too easy to make, so like use it from iron on or so. The tool can be used just like the hoe: a certain area will be used to harvest the crops (since you can swing it in a certain area). I don't think you need to select a specific crop to harvest, since it's area-based, just all the crops in that area no matter the type. Can we fight with the tool? Would be epic in my opinion, but not necessary.

What does the Valheim community think of this? Could there be other uses for this tool?


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